This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Building Websites with GitLab: Glossary

Key Points

  • A static site generator combines page-specific content with layout elements and styling information to construct individual webpages.

  • GitHub/GitLab Pages is a good choice for people who are already familiar with Git and GitHub/GitLab.

  • This approach can be used to create a relatively small website/blog on a limited budget.

Authoring With Markdown
  • Markdown is an relatively easy way to write formatted text

  • Markdown and HTML tags can be used together in a single page

  • I recommend writing Markdown links ‘reference-style’

  • The landing page for a website is conventionally named

Hosting Pages on GitLab
  • GitLab serves pages in your project according to a configuration file called .gitlab-ci.yml

GitLab Pages with Jekyll
  • Through Jekyll, GitLab serves pages are generated from .md files

GitLab Pages with Sphinx
  • Through Sphinx, GitLab serves pages are generated from .rst files

GitLab Pages with Jupyter books
  • Through Jupyter books, you’ll be able to integrate interactive components and code in your web pages

GitLab Templates
  • You can find many pre-existing templates for sites on the Internet

  • You can find the presented themes for sites in our local GitLab

  • You can avoid duplicated effort by basing new layouts on previous ones

When things go wrong
  • If a pipeline fails, GitLab will provide you useful feedback on why
